DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2019.64.46.020


Tatyanchenko V.K., Krasenkov Yu.V., Eliseev G.D., Voloshin R.N., Byakova E.N., Edilov A.V.

FGBOU VO RostGMU Minzdrava RF, Rostov-on-Don


According to published sources, the number of patients with purulent inflammations of soft tissues tends to grow every year. Hypertrophic scars develop in 35–40% of such cases during the postoperative care period. Most frequent are rough scars forming in 50–60% of the patients after surgical treatment of facial, neck, and hand abscesses and phlegmons [1; 4; 6].

Treatment tactics for patients with post-burn and post-traumatic hypertrophic scars is currently based on standards and internationally recognized guidelines [2; 3]. At the same time, there is no universal approach to the therapy of scars in case of patients with purulent inflammations of soft tissues. In our opinion, its character should be determined by the location of pathologic process, the depth of tissue damage, the regeneration phase of a healing wound as well as the patient’s age.

Keywords: phlegmon, hypertrophic scars, scarring prevention.


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For citation

Tatyanchenko V.K., Krasenkov Yu.V., Eliseev G.D., Voloshin R.N., Byakova E.N., Edilov A.V. Clinical effectiveness of new technologies for prevention of hypertrophic scarring in patients suffering from purulent inflammations of soft tissues. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2019;14(2):94-97. (In Russ.)