DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2020.10.95.004


Zheludev A.A., Parhisenko Yu.A.

Voronezh State Medical University of N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh


Аn experimental study was conducted to establish changes in blood indices and humoral immu1nity in rats in the postoperative period with the use of catholyte and anolyte. The experiments were carried out on 45 male rats weighing 290–320 g, which were distributed equally into 3 groups: group 1 — intact animals, group 2 and 3 — animals which underwent surgery in the amount of resection of the small intestine (1,5 cm) with anastomosis end to end.

After surgery, rats used catholyte as a drink, instead of drinking water. The surgical wound was treated with anolyte. Blood and the wall of the small intestine in the anastomosis zone were used as a biological substrate. The material was studied on days 5 and 15. A study of the composition of blood and the walls of the small intestine was carried out on days 5 and 15 4. An analysis of the materials showed that the use of catholyte (a liquid with negative AFP-leads to positive changes in blood counts, humoral immunity and phagocytic activity, impaired after resection of the small intestine. The use of anolyte antiseptic (liquid with positive AFP) prevents bacterial contamination of the surgical wound. The studied parameters indicate that catholyte positively affects humoral immunity, and anolyte prevents bacterial insemination of the surgical wound.

Keywords: catholyte, anolyte, immunity, intestinal anastomosis, redox potential (ORP).


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For citation

Zheludev A.A., Parhisenko Yu.A. Effect of a liquid with a negative redox potential on the indicators of blood and humoral immunity after resection thin gut. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2020;15(4):23-25. (In Russ.)