Epiphanov S.A., Skuredin V.D., Chikorin A.K.
Federal State Public Institution «National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Moscow
This paper depicts the condition and modern treatment of patient with blast-induced trauma of maxilla-facial region after one of the terroristic attack, that took place in Volgograd at the end of 2013. The patient had a complex pathology, not only jaw fracture, but brain trauma, hearing loss, burns of the face and ears, minor traumas of hands and legs, tracheostomy. The operation was done on the next day after the blast. The operation was done with the use of modern technologies (endoscopy, navigation etc.). It’s primary aim was total and one-stage reconstruction of the jaw fracture and skin wounds. It helped to shorten the period of rehabilitation and the patient was discharged from hospital in a very satisfying condition.
Keywords: blast-induced trauma, maxilla-facial region, jaw fracture, reconstructive surgery.
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