Shevchenko YU.L., Borshchev G.G., Ulbashev D.S., Zemlyanov A.V.
Clinic of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery St. George’s of National Medical and Surgical Center. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
The correct choice of conduit for coronary artery bypass surgery is the basis for successful surgical treatment of patients with coronary artery disease. All over the world there are discussions about the advantages of some types of conduits and there is no general concept of optimal choice. Based on the analysis of the literature, the history of the surgical treatment of patients with coronary artery disease is presented, the main grafts for the operation, their advantages and disadvantages are considered.
Keywords: coronary artery bypass surgery, history of cardiac surgery, V.I. Kolesov, conduits, autografts, synthetic scaffolds.
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