DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2019.92.48.008


Soldatov D.V.1, Staroverov I.N.2, Sorogin A.B.1, Shilov A.B.2

1 Department of Coloprothology, «Yaroslavl regional clinical hospital», Yaroslavl

2 Department of Surgery, Faculty of Post-Diploma Professional Education and Education of Personnel of Highest Qualification, «Yaroslavl State Medical University», Yaroslavl


A comparative analysis of sphincterometry in patients with benign diseases of the rectum was performed depending on the volume of surgical intervention. The evaluation of their changes in different terms after the intervention is given. It is established that an increase in the volume of surgical intervention in combined operations increases the tonic tension of the internal sphincter and does not affect the contractile capacity of the external sphincter and pelvic floor muscles.

Keywords: sphincterometry, tonic tention, maximum contraction, volitional effort, combined operations.


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For citation

Soldatov D.V., Staroverov I.N., Sorogin A.B., Shilov A.B. Dynamics of indicators of sphincterometry after surgery on the distal rectum. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2019;14(1):41-44. (In Russ.)