Zolotuhin S.YU., Epifanov S.A.
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
The salivary glands occupy an important place in the life of the body, and surgical approaches to them in the treatment of sialolithiasis can lead to complications that significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. Currently, there are a large number of various methods for removing calculi, and there are still no developed principles for choosing one or another of them. In this article, we reviewed the literature reflecting modern methods of complex treatment of sialolithiasis and their possible complications. Most authors ultimately agree that the techniques for removing calculi should become as minimally invasive as possible with the expansion of indications for the use of sialoendoscopes, both separately and in conjunction with traditional surgical approaches. This significantly reduces the incidence of complications and allows patients to quickly return to their normal life.
Keywords: sialolitiasis, sialoendoscope, lithotripsy.
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