Nazirov F.G.1, Divyatov A.V.1, Babadjanov A.Kh.1, Abdullajanov B.R.2, Nishanov M.F.2
1 Republican Specialized Scientific and Practice Medical Center of Surgery named after academician V. Vakhidov, Tashkent, Republic Of Uzbekistan
2 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Republic Of Uzbekistan
The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the severity of the condition of patients with acute pancreatitis and the reasons for the unsatisfactory outcome of the tactics of treatment of acute pancreatitis of biliary etiology — 438 patients from the total sample of patients according to the Ranson and APACHE II rating scales. The authors conclude that the dynamics of the severity of acute biliary pancreatitis during treatment is characterized by the possibility of progression of the pathological process with a significant increase in the proportion of destructive forms of the disease from 16.5% upon admission to 33.8% (p<0.001), including an increase in sterile from 13, 9% to 21.9% and infected from 2.5% to 11.8% pancreatic necrosis (p = 0.027) with various purulent-septic complications.
Keywords: pancreatitis, analysis of patients, severity of the disease.
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