We accept to the Journal “Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center” articles and reports about most significant problems of clinical and theoretical medicine, health system, medical educations and history of biomedical science. Admitted articles are published for free. We do not return primary papers to their authors.

  1. For publication in the Journal you should provide article according to requirements described below. We do not examine and admit for publishing non-compliant with these requirements articles!
  2. Articles should have next attachments:
    • a referral written by the head of organization/institute to Editorial of the Journal. A referral should be written on the official institution’s letterhead, signed by the head of organization and stamped;
    • an expert report of organization/institute with permission to publish an article in the open press;
    • sings of all authors announced in the research and information about them including first, second and middle name, degree and/or title, position and workplace;
    • all shipping documents should be in pdf or jpg format.
  3. We do not admit articles already published in other journals or sent to other editorials. Volume of the original scientific articles or essays about medical history should not exceed 12 pages considering aforesaid requirements; volume of the reviews should not exceed 20 pages.
  4. Authors of published articles are responsible for variety and accuracy of the facts, extracts, statistics and other information.
    1. Author is responsible for accuracy of the information.
    2. After sending a manuscript to the Editorial Board author takes personal responsibility for originality of the research and allows Editorial to disclose an article by the publishing it in print.
    3. The plagiarism is malicious appropriation of the authorship of other authors’ scientific work, thoughts, art or invention. Plagiarism is a violation of copyright and patent laws, thus can lead to juridical penalty of the author.
    4. Author guarantees that he has exclusive rights to content submitted to the Editorial Board.
    5. Editorial is not responsible to third parties for violation of author’s guarantees given before.
  5. An article should be carefully checked for grammatical, orthographical and stylistic errors.
  6. Text of an article should be written in MS format (*.doc, *.docx), size 14, font Times New Roman line spacing 1.5, normal fields, width alignment. Pages should be numbered; title page is the first one. Double spaces should be removed from the text of an article. Author should prepare both printed and electronic versions:
    • You should print an article on the one side of A4 paper sheets. Font — Times New Roman 14, line spacing 1.5, tab — 1.27 cm. Margins: left — 3 cm, right — 1.5 cm, upper and lower — 2cm. Text alignment — on width; no wrapping. First page should be without number; numbering of other pages should be sequential starting from 2, place of page number — bottom right.
    • On the separate paper sheet should be submitted information about authors: first, middle and last name (in full); main place of work, position, academic degree and title, e-mail address; postal address of the institution-sender of an article. A phone number of the author responsible for correspondence should be submitted too.
    • An electronic version on the data storage device (CD, DVD, USB drive) should be signed with the title of an article, original author name and contact information (e-mail address, phone number).
    • You may send a mail with attached electronic version of article to the following e-mail: nmhc@mail.ru, volianikev@pirogov-center.ru.
  7. References to patient name and case history passport are not allowed in essays about cases from clinical practice, including figures. Data about experiments on animals should include information about compliance of maintenance and exploitation of laboratory animals with the national low, prescriptions of the national research council and principles of the institute.
  8. Illustrative content (black-and-white and color photos, figures, diagrams, charts, graphs) should be placed in site of mention in the article text (.jpg, resolution not less than 300 dpi). It should be clear and contrast. Digital versions of pictures should be saved in separate files with extension tiff or jpeg and resolution not less than 300 dpi. Diagrams should be presented in the source files. Before each figure, diagram or table in the text should be appropriate remark. Subscriptions should be separate from figures, below them, have an order number of that figure and (regardless of figure location in the text or separate pages) should be placed on separate pages at the end of an article. Type of dye and zoom scale should be mentioned in subscriptions of micrographs.
  9. Tables (regardless of their location in the text or separate pages) should be written each on separate page at the end of an article. Table should have an order number and a title with the table outline. Headline “Table №...” should be placed in the separate text line and aligned to the right edge.
  10. Abbreviations should be clarified after first mention in the text. Abbreviations should not be used if the term is applied less than three times in the text. Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract, headlines and titles of an article. At the end of an article should be attached a transcript of all abbreviations found in the text.
  11. All physical quantities should be presented in the international system of SI. Without dots should be written: h, min, ml, cm, mm (including mm Hg), s, mg, kg, mcg (according to GOST 7.12-93). With dots should be written: m., d., y., pic., tab. Upper (kg/m2) or lower (CHA2DS2-VASc) registers should be used for indices. Signs of mathematical operations and relations (+, —, x, /, =, ~) should be separated from characters and numbers: р = 0,05. The sign ± should be placed together with numeric symbols: 27,0±17,18. Signs >, <, ≤ and ≥ also should be written in one word with a numeric symbol: р>0,05. It is recommended to replace characters with words in the text: more (>), less (<), no more (≤), no less (≥). The sign % should be placed together with a numeric symbol: 50%; for two or more numbers the sign % should be mentioned once after digits: from 50 to 70%, 50 and 70%. The sign № should be separated from a number: № 3. The sign °С should be separated from a number too: 13 °С. Names of physical units should be separated from the digits: 13 mm. Names and signs of genes should be italicized: KCNH2 gene.
  12. The Editorial Board has a right to negotiate with authors to clarify, change and reduce the manuscript.
  13. Sent manuscripts then directed for review to members of the Editorial Board at the discretion of the Editorial.

Structure of an article

  1. The title of an article should be written at the beginning of the first page in capital letters.
  2. Next line — last name and initials of the author/s in lowercase letters.
  3. Next line — full name of the institution where research was performed (it is allowed to give abbreviated legal form and departmental identity) including division (faculty, laboratory etc.), email address and phone number of the author responsible for correspondence with the Editorial Board. If co-authors of an article work in different institutions membership should be indicated by superscript Arabic figures after initials.

    Shevchenko Yu.L., Matveev S.A.
    Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center, Moscow
  4. The first page should contain a summary (no more than 250 words) with presentation of main results, new and important aspects of the research. Abbreviations are not allowed in the summary. Abstract should be informative (without general phrases), substantial (reflect main content and results of the study), without information not presented in the article, replicate structure of the original research: aim (no duplicating the title of an article), materials and methods, results and conclusion. Clinical cases and literature reviews do not require a summery. Abstract volume — 250-300 words. Summery should not have bibliographic references and abbreviations except common abbreviations and symbols.
  5. Next should be written keywords (no more than 10) reflecting the main content of the research and contributing indexation of the article in data retrieval systems.
  6. Following is the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) of an article.
  7. English part:
    • Title of published article (translation). Only common abbreviations are allowed. English title should be similar in sense to Russian.
    • Authors’ last names and initials (transliteration).
    • Name of the institution. Full, translated, officially accepted name of the organization including department through a comma in nominative case, city and country. Do not translate into English such abbreviations as ФГБУ, ФГБНУ, ФНИЦ etc. Each word in the name of institutions (except prepositions) should be with capital letter.
    • Summery. English abstract should be informative, authentic (not a literal translation of the Russian summery), substantial, structured if the research is experimental (rubrication accordingly to sections of an article: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion), “English-language”. Abstract volume — 250-300 words. Summery should not have bibliographic references and abbreviations except common abbreviations and symbols. Aforementioned should be clarified after first mention.
    • Key words (translation).

      Shevchenko, Yu.L., Matveev S.A.
      National Medical-Surgical Center N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia.
      Key words:
    • Editorial Board does not examine English articles generated with automatic translator and return them back to authors for proper translation.
  8. In the section “materials and methods of research” should be signed accurate names of used devices, reagents, computer programs, etc. with specification of manufacturing company and its region.
  9. Bibliographic references in the text should be written as numbers in brackets according to literature list at the end of an article. A list should be presented as a single scroll called " REFERENCES“. In the original essays should be mentioned no more than 15 references, in the reviews no more than 50. No more than 5 figures and 5 tables are allowed in one article. Problem with excess of prescribed volumes might be discussed with Editors.
    1. Unpublished references should be excluded from the literature list.
    2. Title of an article cannot be abridged.
    3. In each reference should be mentioned all authors: abbreviations, etc., et al are not allowed.
    4. Names of Russian references should not be abridged, foreign references should comply with generally accepted abbreviated version of each journal.
    5. Digital identifier (Digital Object Identifier, DOI) should be mentioned at the end of reference if cited article has this one.
    6. Bibliographic references to published materials should comply with requirements of ISS (GOST) 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules of compilation”.


    Shevchenko Yu.L. Endovascular interventions in true and false aneurysms of hepatic, splenic and renal arteries // Angiology and Vascular Surgery 2015. — B. 1, № 1. — P. 25-32.

    Karpov O.E. Digital technology in clinical surgery and rehabilitation // Khirurgiia (Moscow) 2017. — B. 3, № 2. — P. 77-82

Copies of copyright certificates, patents, certificates for innovation proposals must be attached to the article. New methods of treatment, therapeutic drugs and equipment (diagnostic and therapeutic) must be submitted with photocopies of permission for their use in clinical practice of the Ministry of Health or the ethical committee of the institution.

Additional Information:
  1. Conflict of interests. The authors elaborate on a conflict of interest appeared in the submitted material, if there is any, and declare no conflict of interests, if there is none. The Information on conflict of interests is published in the full text of the article.
  2. Funding. Indicate the source of funding. If a study is supported by a grant, state the number.
  3. Acknowledgement. Participants who do not meet the author criteria are listed in the “Acknowledgement” section.