DOI: 10.25881/BPNMSC.2018.62.14.013


Deev R.V.1,2, Plaxa I.L.1, Boso I.Y.1, Mzhavanadze N.D.2, Suchkov I.A.2, Chervyakov Yu.V.3, Staroverov I.N.3, Kalinin R.E.2, Isaev A.A.1, Matveev S.A.4

1. Institute of Human Stem Cells, Moscow

2. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan

3. State Regional Clinical Hospital “Regional Clinical Hospital”, Yaroslavl

4. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow


This study included patients who were in a clinical study evaluating the safety and efficacy of gene therapy with pl-VEGF165 in patients with chronic ischemia of the lower extremities of atherosclerotic origin ( NCT03068585). In just 5 years the study included 36 patients who received a gene therapy drug and 12 patients in the control group. Patients were registered for adverse events, as well as an assessment of the pain-free walking distance (PWD), ankle-brachial index (ABI), transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO2). There were no side effects associated with the use of pl-VEGF165. Differences in the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events (pl-VEGF165 5/36 versus 2/12 in control, P=0,85), oncological diseases (pl-VEGF165 1/36 vs 0/12 in control, P=0,38) and visual impairment (not recorded in both groups) over the 5-year follow-up period did not reach statistical significance. The safety of the target limb was 95% in the clinical group and 67% in the control group. The PWD in the clinical group increased by 288% by the end of the fifth year (from 105,7±16,5 m to 384±39 m). The greatest increase in PWD from 24,3±5,3 m to 378±73,1 m was determined in the III stage of the disease. Also positive dynamics of the ABI and TcPO2 was established.

Therefore, the use of pl-VEGF165 should be considered safe. The therapeutic effect of gene induction of angiogenesis persists for five years, with a maximum increase by the end of 3 years and is most pronounced in patients with stage III disease.

Keywords: peripheral arterial disease, intermittent claudication, therapeutic angiogenesis, long-term results, plasmid, VEGF165.


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For citation

Deev R.V., Plaxa I.L., Boso I.Y., Mzhavanadze N.D., Suchkov I.A., Chervyakov Yu.V., Staroverov I.N., Kalinin R.E., Isaev A.A., Matveev S.A. Results of 5-year observation of patients with diseases of peripheric arteries after gene therapy. Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center. 2018;13(3):61-66. (In Russ.)